value creation
value is perceive
we must exchage value
money is an abstraction as a form from a barter of exchange
u habve carrots
i have apples
lets get it
moneys streamlines this
make a thing
if its profitabel operatinaly between ur time, input, onboarding / educating the suer, fulfilling the expected thgn theyre paying for, cognrats u have asclalbe business.
some peopel want to work IN the business, be the product/service (consulting or teaching or something), some want the thing / solution to be the business; relationships / having systems and frameworks for ur end users/target audience is important.
salience is the key word here. what is valuable is all relative to one:
a bottle of water to a person starving in a desert is huge after 2-3 days
not so much to like. a random claifornian working at google in their tech offices or some shit
value is relative, time and place, etc.,
u can have a repeatble scalingr recurring rev if someone is in ur market all the time and can’t get somethign eles/better/etc theyll keep susbriing and paying (eg: a non coder using a website like squarespace paying $20 / mo for all the features) as it gets the job done/rgiht / and its not enough of a pain point to deal with compared to them working on their thing.