what you’re witholding from the world

“Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world.”

Eckhart Tolle,A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

# Quotes on Withholding and Power

## On Withholding

- "What do you think of withholding from the world? What do you think of the world withholding from you?"

- "You're withholding from the world."

## On Progress and Execution

- "You can move as fast as you want, you just cannot skip steps. And that includes quality assurance, basis, and milestones."

- "You can always leverage AI Chat and tools for this."

## On Power

- "Power is silent and present and knows how to mask itself in different environments to avoid attention and circumstantial changes that will create friction for it to manifest."

- "It doesn't take shape and hold onto things and grow prematurely."

- "Power is unyielding, it's unrequiting, but it also does not announce its presence."


Soliloquies of Silicon Valley


value creation